Gujarat Two Wheeler Scheme: E- Scooter Subsidy 12,000 Apply Online

Gujarat Two Wheeler Scheme: Chief Minister Vijay Rupani has announced a scheme to encourage the use of battery powered vehicles in the cities and towns of the state of Gujarat to curb air pollution from vehicles. Under this Two Wheeler Scheme, the government will provide a subsidy of Rs 12,000 to students who studying from Std-9 to college to purchase a battery-powered electric two-wheeler. The target of this scheme is to provide subsidies to 10,000 vehicles. Not only this, but the state government will also provide Rs. 48,000 subsidy for the purchase of e-rickshaw three-wheeler for individuals. 5000 e-rickshaws will be given the benefit.

Gujarat Two Wheeler Scheme

CM Rupani has announced Gujarat Two Wheeler Scheme to encourage the use of battery powered two-wheeler and three wheelers to prevent air pollution from state vehicles. Under this scheme, the government will provide assistance of Rs. The target is to provide subsidies to 10,000 vehicles.

Announcing the assistance scheme for the use of battery-powered two-wheelers. Minister Vijay Rupani said that Rs.12 thousand benefits have been decided to provide students tp buy two wheelers.

The state government will also provide Rs 48,000 for the purchase of battery-powered e-rickshaws and three wheelers for the individual. 5,000 e-rickshaws will be given the benefit of this govt scheme.

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